On the importance of initialization and momentum in deep learning, Sutskever, Martens, Dahl, Hinton; 2013 - Summary
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Core idea
SGD with momentum and careful initialization can train DNN’s, RNN’s in practice
- First-order vs. second-order optimization methods: first-order methods update model parameters using the first-order derivative of the objective function (e.g. gradient descent), while second-order methods also use the second-order derivative
- Hinton 2006: DNN’s, RNN’s are expressive but hard to train using first-order methods like SGD without some pre-training tricks
- Martens (2010, 2011) shows that a type of second-order method called Hessian-free Optimization (HF) can train DNN’s, RNN’s well without such tricks
- Some work (2010-2012) shows that SGD can still work reasonably well with certain random initializations, though not as good as HF from Martens (2010)
Main contributions
- Empirically shows that the SGD can work as well as HF with momentum methods and good initializations
- Theoretically shows connections between classical momentum, Nesterov’s accelerated gradient, and HF
Momentum methods: Classical Momentum (CM), Polyak 1964 and Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient (NAG), Nesterov 1983
- Intuition for both: maintain a velocity vector of progress in each direction. Encourage progress along flat gradients (low velocity); dampen progress along steep gradients (high velocity) with respect to a momentum constant.
- Classical momentum:
- NAG:
- Graphical depiction of the difference: NAG is “more stable”, making it more tolerant to larger momentum constants.
- Theoretical relationship: (1) when the learning rate is sufficiently small, CM and NAG are equivalent; (2) when the learning rate is relatively large; NAG has a smaller effective momentum size, preventing oscillations/divergence.
Experiments on Deep Autoencoders
- Task: train 3 autoencoders from Hinton & Salakhutdinov (2006)
- Models: DNN’s of 7-11 layers, sigmoid non-linearity, sparse random initializations (SI), and scheduled momentum update from Nesterov (1983).
- Effect of momentum: NAG usually outperforms CM, especially with higher momentum, and is competitive with contemporaneous HF results.
- Effect of initializations: Super sensitive to SI scale factor; values of <1 or >3 did not produce sensible results.
Discussion of momentum scheduling
- Convergence theory predicts that momentum helps in early stages, but not in final stages
- This is consistent with what the authors observe empirically: it was helpful to reduce mu during the final updates, but not necessarily when they observed decreasing error
- Speculative explanation: large values of mu push the solution along flat directions toward better local minima (which first-order methods wouldn’t reach); however because these regions are flat, the error doesn’t decrease much. Reducing mu too early may preclude this nonetheless crucial progress toward better local minima.
Experiments on RNNs
- They use an RNN called an Echo-State Network: the hidden-to-output matrix is learned from data, while the remaining parameters are initialized from a distribution then fixed
- Hidden dimension of 100 with tanh non-linearity
- Effect of momentum: Good results with NAG with large initual momentum, small learning rate; though not as good as results with HF.
- Effect of initializations: Different layers of the network needed to be initialized from normal distributions with different standard deviations and spectral radii, depending on the task/layer.
- SGD with momentum methods + carefully chosen initialiations is competitive with 2nd order optimization methods for DNN’s, RNN’s
- Classical momentum and Nesterov’s accelerated gradient are theoretically related with NAG being more tolerant of higher momentum
- ^This insight is supported empirically